Toi Ataata - Visual Arts NCEA LEVELS 2 AND 3 Painting, Photography, Design, Printmaking, Sculpture 2025

NCEA Level(s)

Course aims / learning outcomes

This course will provide students with opportunities to develop and improve their visual art skills in multiple art disciplines drawing, painting, photography, design, printmaking and sculpture.

Students will work on an individually lead programme based around a theme of their choosing. Students will study a range of artist models and apply the knowledge, skills and techniques learned to their own practical work.

The Visual Art department will support you in developing your thinking and questioning skills alongside practical skills in art making. Our goal is for you to become an independent learner, confident in your own decision-making. In this course we support you in developing your own individual programme by establishing habits where you regularly reflect on your learning, plan your next step and develop set weekly individual goals/contracts during a one-on-one critique with your teacher. We create an environment where you learn from others through discussion, class critiques, and working collaboratively. Staff will facilitate your learning through in-depth questioning to support you to reach your full potential. We focus on challenging and extending your cognitive skills and technical ability. You will be encouraged to take risks in your artmaking, to embrace failures and see them as opportunities to problem-solve. You will develop strong time management skills. In the Visual Art Faculty staff will work with you to develop a personalised programme and provide deep learning opportunities based on your strengths, ideas and stylistic interests. You will be inspired, challenged and empowered!

Course content

  • Contexts for learning include drawing, painting, photography, design, printmaking and sculpture. Students will engage in long-term projects in these areas as they develop their visual art skills.
  • This combined course aims to provide the student with a thorough grounding in any of the following visual arts disciplines: Design, Painting, Photography, Printmaking and Sculpture practices.
  • The course is for study of level 2 or level 3 NCEA and could be preparation for further study at Level 3 (Year 13) or tertiary level. Students are taught to understand visual art methods and processes to develop knowledge of the current processes, procedures, materials and techniques. This involves how to carry out research, generate ideas and systematically develop these ideas through to the finished visual arts outcomes.
  • A workbook is kept throughout the year to record this process of development. Students are encouraged to use contemporary and traditional artist models to develop their own work.
  • At the beginning of the year, students are guided as to their approaches to their chosen visual arts field, both in subject matter and media. For the remainder of the year, students choose their own theme to develop their ideas for their folio looking at a range of appropriate artist models in both traditional and contemporary practice.

Note: Students may take up to three of the NCEA Level 2 or Level 3 Visual Art Courses offered: Design, Painting, Photography, Printmaking and Sculpture, however, those students wishing to take more than two of these subjects may only do so with the approval of the visual arts learning advisor.

Assessment statement

  • NCEA opportunities in this course will be available for Visual Arts. The course content will provide opportunities for assessments in both learning areas while working in the same year-long context.
  • Typically, students should aim to complete at least one internal assessment per term, as well as a one-panel art portfolio at the end of the year, which is assessed externally. Assessment work is completed both in-class and out-of-class time. The folio requires students to develop a significant body of work across the whole year, and so this will only be available to students who are in the course for the whole year.
  • Up to 22 credits will be on offer for a student who completes at least one internal in each of terms 1-3, and who also completes the art folio.


  • NCEA opportunities in this course will be available for Visual Arts. The course content will provide opportunities for assessments in both learning areas while working in the same year-long context.
  • Typically, students should aim to complete at least one internal assessment per term, as well as an 2-3 A1 panel art portfolio at the end of the year, which is assessed externally. Assessment work is completed both in-class and out-of-class time. The folio requires students to develop a significant body of work across the whole year, and so this will only be available to students who are in the course for the whole year.

Appeal Procedures

  • Students have the right to appeal the mark they have been awarded. If a student wishes to appeal a grade, they should initially talk to the subject learning advisor about the marking process immediately after the marked assessment task is shown to them. If still dissatisfied the student should make an appointment and discuss grades with the Principal’s Nominee who will check that the correct procedures have been followed as outlined in the school and subject policies taking into account any special circumstances.

Table of Assessments

NumberNameCredit valueInternal or ExternalLiteracy Numeracy UE Reading/WritingWhenReassessment opportunityType of assessment
AS91305Demonstrate an understanding of methods and ideas from established practice appropriate to design4Internal Term 1, 2, 3YesWritten and visual workbook analysis
AS91306Demonstrate an understanding of methods and ideas from established practice appropriate to Painting4Internal Term 1, 2, 3YesWritten and visual workbook analysis
AS91307Demonstrate an understanding of methods and ideas from established practice appropriate to Photography4Internal Term 1, 2, 3YesWritten and visual workbook analysis
AS91308Demonstrate an understanding of methods and ideas from established practice appropriate to Printmaking4Internal Term 1, 2, 3YesWritten and visual workbook analysis
AS91309Demonstrate an understanding of methods and ideas from established practice appropriate to Sculpture4Internal Term 1, 2, 3YesWritten and visual workbook analysis
AS91310Use Drawing methods to apply knowledge of conventions to Design4Internal Term 1, 2, 3YesWritten and visual workbook analysis and practical art making
AS91311Use Drawing methods to apply knowledge of conventions to Painting4Internal Term 1, 2, 3YesWritten and visual workbook analysis and practical art making
AS91312Use Drawing methods to apply knowledge of conventions to Photography4Internal Term 1, 2, 3YesWritten and visual workbook analysis and practical art making
AS91313Use Drawing methods to apply knowledge of conventions to Printmaking4Internal Term 1, 2, 3YesWritten and visual workbook analysis and practical art making
AS91314Use Drawing methods to apply knowledge of conventions to Sculpture4Internal Term 1, 2, 3YesWritten and visual workbook analysis and practical art making
AS91315Develop ideas in a related series of drawings appropriate to established design practice4Internal Term 1, 2, 3YesWritten and visual workbook analysis and practical art making
AS91316Develop ideas in a related series of drawings appropriate to established painting practice4Internal Term 1, 2, 3YesWritten and visual workbook analysis and practical art making
AS91317Develop ideas in a related series of drawings appropriate to established photography practice4Internal Term 1, 2, 3YesWritten and visual workbook analysis and practical art making
AS91318Develop ideas in a related series of drawings appropriate to established printmaking practice4Internal Term 1, 2, 3YesWritten and visual workbook analysis and practical art making
AS91319Develop ideas in a related series of drawings appropriate to established Sculpture practice4Internal Term 1, 2, 3YesWritten and visual workbook analysis and practical art making
AS91320Produce a systematic body of work that shows understanding of art making conventions and ideas within design12External Term 1, 2, 3, 4 2 x A1 Panel Folio with in art making field Design
AS91321Produce a systematic body of work that shows understanding of art making conventions and ideas within Painting12External Term 1, 2, 3, 4 2 x A1 Panel Folio with in art making field Painting
AS91322Produce a systematic body of work that shows understanding of art making conventions and ideas within Photography12External Term 1, 2, 3, 4 2 x A1 Panel Folio with in art making field Photography
AS91323Produce a systematic body of work that shows understanding of art making conventions and ideas within Printmaking12External Term 1, 2, 3, 4 2 x A1 Panel Folio with in art making field Printmaking
AS91324Produce a systematic body of work that shows understanding of art making conventions and ideas within Sculpture12External Term 1, 2, 3, 4 2 x A1 Panel Folio with in art making field Sculpture
AS91440Analyse methods and ideas from established design practice4Internal Term 1, 2, 3YesWritten and visual workbook analysis
AS91441Analyse methods and ideas from established painting practice4Internal Term 1, 2, 3YesWritten and visual workbook analysis
AS91442Analyse methods and ideas from established photography practice4Internal Term 1, 2, 3YesWritten and visual workbook analysis
AS91443Analyse methods and ideas from established printmaking practice4Internal Term 1, 2, 3YesWritten and visual workbook analysis
AS91444Analyse methods and ideas from established sculpture practice4Internal Term 1, 2, 3YesWritten and visual workbook analysis
AS91445Use drawing to demonstrate understanding of conventions appropriate to design4Internal Term 1, 2, 3YesWritten and visual workbook analysis and practical art making
AS91446Use drawing to demonstrate understanding of conventions appropriate to painting4Internal Term 1, 2, 3YesWritten and visual workbook analysis and practical art making
AS91447Use drawing to demonstrate understanding of conventions appropriate to photography4Internal Term 1, 2, 3YesWritten and visual workbook analysis and practical art making
AS91448Use drawing to demonstrate understanding of conventions appropriate to printmaking4Internal Term 1, 2, 3YesWritten and visual workbook analysis and practical art making
AS91449Use drawing to demonstrate understanding of conventions appropriate to sculpture4Internal Term 1, 2, 3YesWritten and visual workbook analysis and practical art making
AS91450Systematically clarify ideas using drawing informed by established design practice4Internal Term 1, 2, 3YesWritten and visual workbook analysis and practical art making
AS91451Systematically clarify ideas using drawing informed by established painting practice4Internal Term 1, 2, 3YesWritten and visual workbook analysis and practical art making
AS91452Systematically clarify ideas using drawing informed by established photography practice4Internal Term 1, 2, 3YesWritten and visual workbook analysis and practical art making
AS91453Systematically clarify ideas using drawing informed by established printmaking practice4Internal Term 1, 2, 3YesWritten and visual workbook analysis and practical art making
AS91454Systematically clarify ideas using drawing informed by established sculpture practice4Internal Term 1, 2, 3YesWritten and visual workbook analysis and practical art making
AS91455Produce a systematic body of work that integrates conventions and regenerates ideas within design practice14External Term 1, 2, 3, 4 3 x A1 Panel Folio with in art making field Design
AS91456Produce a systematic body of work that integrates conventions and regenerates ideas within painting practice14External Term 1, 2, 3, 4 3 x A1 Panel Folio with in art making field Painting
AS91457Produce a systematic body of work that integrates conventions and regenerates ideas within photography practice14External Term 1, 2, 3, 4 3 x A1 Panel Folio with in art making field Photography
AS91458Produce a systematic body of work that integrates conventions and regenerates ideas within printmaking practice14External Term 1, 2, 3, 4 3 x A1 Panel Folio with in art making field Printmaking
AS91459Produce a systematic body of work that integrates conventions and regenerates ideas within sculpture practice14External Term 1, 2, 3, 4 3 x A1 Panel Folio with in art making field Sculpture