Te Ao Tangata | Social Sciences 'On the Move'

Learning Area

People move for all sorts of reasons. We will use models and case studies to understand: our own family migrations; where people move to and why; decisions about who was allowed to migrate to Aotearoa New Zealand; how people challenged these decisions; and how migration affects people and places.

We'll use several case studies to help us:

  • Our own family migrations
  • Pacific migration to New Zealand in the 1960s and 70s/Dawn Raids/Polynesian Panthers
  • Syrian refugees
  • Your choice (e.g. the Romans, the Californian Gold Rush, tourism, New Zealanders moving to Australia...)

Assessment will be in class tasks and an inquiry into a migration of your choice.  Your inquiry will involve the use of primary and secondary research and a presentation in a format of your choice (report, slide show, poster, poem, piece of art).  

Expect discussion, critical thinking, research, the use of visual information, graphic organisers, models, reading, writing, scenarios... 

Note you will need something to write on and with, as well as a chrome book or laptop for this class.  Please bring your own or ensure you borrow one from the front desk.