Pūtaiao | Science - Adapting and Evolving in Aotearoa and Beyond

Learning Area

Join me in this block to learn about Aotearoa New Zealand's awesome and unique plants, animals and fungi.  

Image source: Two moa shown in an illustration by John Megahan, in NZ Herald Article, May 2019. 

We will find out:

  • how science groups living things; 
  • how our plants and animals "arrived" and thrived by adapting to the environment; 
  • who Charles Darwin was and how he came up with his theory of evolution; and
  • how to be good kaitiaki of the plants and animals around us.

Our focus will be Aotearoa/New Zealand, however, we will need to travel back to Gondwana and out to other parts of Earth to understand our place. 

Be prepared for upfront teaching from Kate as well as practical sessions, STEM sessions and mini-assessments. 

You will need an exercise book or a laptop/chromebook to write in or on.  A device for research would be useful.