Iti Iti Ingarihi | Tiny English


Welcome to Tiny English (you guys are the littlest, so are named accordingly). In this course, we'll start by sampling a bunch of films to eventually choose one to study as a class. We may start with some short films and will eventually delve deep into a film study. Extra activities along the way may be watching interesting videos, and listening to interesting people talk about things they know. 

This class will involve discussions about concepts that we stumble upon in our film study, and lots of activities related to the film we choose and our discussions. 

You'll be expected to discuss things with us, and share your thoughts on what we cover and students that do this will be the ones that get the most out of this course. There will also be a strict no devices rule in this class, unless specifically required, so please make sure you'll be able to manage yourself with this in mind.