Whakaako - to coach


Have you ever wanted to try your hand at coaching? Well this is your opportunity!

For term three, there are two assessments available at level 2 and a further two assessments at level 3. 


Level 2

One of the level 2 assessments is purely practical. (We will discuss the potential context). 

The other assessment requires you to select, apply and evaluate leadership strategies that contribute to the effective functioning of a team.

  • AS91328 - 4 credits - Evaluate leadership strategies that contribute to the effective functioning of a group.
  • AS91330 - 4 credits - Perform a physical activity in an applied setting.


Level 3 

One assessment is purely practical. (We will discuss the potential context). 

The other assessment requires you to research contemporary leadership principles, apply those principles to a range of physical activities.

AS91499 - 4 credits - research contemporary leadership principles, apply those principles to a range of physical activities.

AS91501 - 4 credits - Demonstrate quality performance of a physical activity in an applied setting.