Level 4 ART Sculpture: Exploring Form, Texture, and Expression

Learning Area

This class is designed for YEAR 7 & 8 ākonga

Course Description:

This Year 7/8 sculpture course offers young artists an immersive exploration into the world of sculptural art. We will be building foundational skills as students learn about the principles of form, texture, and expression, honing our abilities to communicate ideas and emotions through three-dimensional art. Through a combination of hands-on, in-class practice, critical analysis, and guided experimentation, students will expand their artistic repertoire and develop a deeper understanding of the sculptural process.

Course Objectives:

Mastery of Sculptural Techniques: Students will refine their skills in sculptural techniques such as carving, modelling, and assemblage, exploring a variety of materials including plastic, wood, metal, and found objects. We will also be doing a sculpture project using recycled materials.

Understanding Form and Structure: By learning about proportion and spatial relationships, students will be creating sculptures that begin to show a sense of form, balance, and composition.

Exploring Texture and Surface Treatment: Students will experiment with different surface treatments and textures, learning how to manipulate materials to achieve desired aesthetic effects and enhance the tactile qualities of their sculptures.

Developing Personal Expression: Guided by thematic prompts students will cultivate their ability to infuse their sculptures with personal meaning, narrative, and emotion.

Critique and Analysis: Through group critiques and discussions, students will learn to articulate their artistic intentions and provide constructive feedback to their peers, while fostering a supportive and collaborative learning environment.

You will need an art book (A5, scrapbook or similar) for your sketches.