Meledious Music and Ecology

Learning Area

What's a wave? What are the different types of waves? What shapes can they have? How does a sound wave travel through air? What gives it its volume? And it's pitch? How can you interfere with it? We will also look at basic music instruments and link what we've learnt with everyday phenomena.

In the second half of this term we'll look at the animal world, how we classify them, the habitats they live in, and the way they have adapted to them. We'll look at the relationships between them and the webs they form. 

You'll have the opportunity to research the adaptions and environment of your favourite animal. It would be lovely if this were an NZ animal - however it should be your favourite, so you'll feel confident presenting it to the class.

You'll need a book for notes and work, a pen, possibly a calculator, but also a clearfile to keep worksheets in. Where needed and appropriate some learning will be available online at Google Classroom code: p7zbmol