Hohe matū | Chemical Reactivity

Learning Area

This term we will finish up on the First External Structure and Bonding which we started in Term 2. This will take approximately 2 weeks. 

We will then more onto the Second External, AS91166: Demonstrate understanding of chemical reactivity which is worth 4 credits. 

When we look at chemical reactivity we will be building upon some of the content covered in the Level 1 Acid and Bases standard. We will look at rates of reactions what factors can impact on this and what the collision theory is. 

We will also look equilibrium principles specifically: 

  • The dynamic nature of equilibrium 
  • The effect of changes in temperature, concentration, pressure, or addition of a catalyst on equilibrium systems 
  • The significance of the equilibrium constant (Kc) for homogeneous systems. This may involve calculations 
  • The nature of acids and bases in terms of proton transfer 
  • Properties of aqueous solutions of strong and weak acids and bases including ionic species. The properties are restricted to conductivity, rate of reaction, and pH 
  • Calculations involving Kw and pH (restricted to strong acids and bases).

We will spend about 6 - 7 weeks covering this content. 

The remainder of the year will be spend reviewing the content from the two externals in preparation for the end of year external exams. 

If students have chosen to work on the optional research standard then this will be due in the final week of Term 3 to give time for marking, moderation, and any resubmissions prior to seniors leaving for study leave.