Level 5 ART - Exploring Mixed Media Art

Learning Area

This is a Level 5 Art class aimed at Year 9 and 10 art students who want to push the boundaries of their creativity, develop their artistic skills, and gain a deeper understanding and appreciation for the diverse world of mixed media art.

Course Overview:
In this course, students will explore the world of mixed media art, where traditional and contemporary techniques converge to create captivating works of art. Through hands-on investigation and experimentation, students will develop their artistic skills while discovering the boundless possibilities of combining various mediums.

Students will be using a variety of mediums and tools to create their artworks and will improve their understanding of the fundamentals of composition, balance, and visual hierarchy. Assessment in this course will be based on a combination of practical projects, written reflections, class participation, and portfolio development. Students will be evaluated on their technical skills, creativity, conceptual development, and ability to articulate their artistic choices.

Course Objectives:
Introduce students to the concept of mixed media art and its historical significance.
Explore a variety of traditional and non-traditional art materials and mediums.
Develop technical skills in using different mediums such as acrylics, watercolours, collage, found objects, digital elements, printmaking and more.
Foster creativity and self-expression through experimental techniques and processes.
Encourage critical thinking and problem-solving skills through the process of art-making.
Cultivate an appreciation for diverse artistic styles and approaches within mixed media art.
Explore the relationship between materials, techniques, and artistic concepts.
Develop a personal artistic voice and style through ongoing experimentation and reflection.

A willingness to experiment, take risks, and explore new ideas is essential. 
You will also need an art book (A5, scrapbook or similar) and an art envelope to keep your work in.