Ngā Toi o ngā Tangata Whenua - Art of the People...

Learning Area

Ngā Toi o ngā Tangata Whenua | Art of the People of the Land

So far this year our students have been creating Manaia, Tiki and ngā Manu (Birds).  They have worked on Whakairo (carving) designs, learning about Te Pō and other legends, ā/and, learning to draw kanohi (faces) in preparation for doing a whānau-family or hāpori-community member with Māori motif.  Other native animals of Aotearoa have also been started by some students.

We will continue to learn our cultural and historical narrative for our school. What represents the student and our local environment.  Artworks designed by our students to last the next 20+ years.  Students learn the tikanga (culture) behind it and the reo (language) as we go.  This opens up to other cultures as well to continue designing 'Legacy Artworks' for our school and our whānau.

We will contuinue to learn to make our own: 

  • Kōwhaiwhai/painted scroll ornamentation - ongoing 
  • Tukutuku/Lattice - will begin in Term 3
  • Whakairo/Carving - ongoing
  • Grid art - ongoing

In addition in Term 3 student will be expected to research: 

  • Māori Artists
  • Ngā Toi a Iwi/Tribal Arts

Hopefully we will be able to see the artworks of New Zealand Artists and visit galleries or exhibitions to inspire thoughtful artworks.