Collage Art Making - Level 4

Learning Area

Dive into this 3-week Collage Art class and explore the vibrant world of mixed media! This hands-on course will guide you through innovative techniques for combining textures, colours, and materials to create striking collages. No matter what your skill levels, you'll learn to craft visually compelling artworks that tell a story. 

In the 3-week Collage Art class, students will be making one or more of the following:

Collage Journal: Create a visual journal by decorating and filling pages with collage art, reflecting personal experiences or creative ideas over the course of the class.

Dreamscapes: Craft imaginative scenes or dreamlike landscapes using a combination of colours and textures to evoke mood and atmosphere.

Storytelling Collages: Develop a narrative through a series of collages that illustrate a short story or personal journey, combining images and materials to convey a cohesive theme.

You will need an A3/A2 Folder to keep your work in. Other materials will be provided.