Iti Iti Ingarihi | Tiny English


Welcome to the final term of Tiny English. This term we'll look at a couple of short texts - short films, short stories? We'll then use these as the context to discuss some cool things about the world before engaging in a variety of creative activities.

Some ideas:

  • Create a tinfoil sculpture based on a character 
  • Create a logo for a character/location/organisation from one of our short stories
  • Make some book cover designs
  • Learn how to make storyboards or begin the process of making a graphic novel

You'll be expected to discuss things with us, and share your thoughts on what we cover and students that do this will be the ones that get the most out of this course. (Oh no, talking! But just let it happen, because it's not that bad, and you'll be all the richer for it!)

There will be a strict no devices rule in this class, unless specifically required, so please make sure you'll be able to manage yourself with this in mind.