Ngotangota | Smashed'em Bro

Learning Area


A Hapori course is a non-curricular focused learning experience driven by student passion. Rooted in the concept of "hapori" or community, these courses empower students to explore diverse topics outside the traditional curriculum, fostering collaboration and a sense of ownership over their learning. With a focus on self-directed exploration, Hapori courses encourage students to pursue their interests, ranging from creative arts to technology and social issues. This initiative reflects our commitment to cultivating well-rounded individuals who are not only academically proficient but also deeply connected to their passions and the broader community.


No bubble wrap here! - Bullrush, Rugby League, and Kabaddi in this Hapori class. 

The good old Kiwi classic of tackle bullrush! It's not banned, it lives on!

Some “Smashed'em Bro” Rugby League and the traditional Indian Kabaddi tackle game.

From a student voice - Bullrush rules:

“The person that gets touched or tackled has to call out the next person, or call out bullrush. If they call out bullrush, then everybody gets to go. The person who is touched or tackled has the choice to call out bullrush. A whole group of people go on one side of a field and one or maybe a little more are in the middle. When someone gets called they run and try not to get tackled. If tackled completely to the ground you are also in the middle.”

We will learn the games of Rugby League as it's easy to manage rules-wise. If the weather isn’t looking the best we learn the game of Kabaddi which is an ancient tackle game from the subcontinent of India. 

Spare clothing is needed. At Hagley Park. Could be hard ground baked from the hot sun or it could be wet from days of rain. We will do our best to protect clothing but it is bullrush after all. Mouthguards are advised but not mandatory.