NCEA Level(s)

Course aims / learning outcomes

  • Students will gain specialised knowledge and experience during the design and manufacture of their projects utilising 3D modelling software and CNC machinery, as well as traditional methods and machines. The course offers a number of possible pathways and assessment opportunities and is a blend of practical and written standards with an emphasis on personalised learning. This is designed to cater for a range of students and an extensive selection of Achievement and Unit Standards. The content aligns to a broad range of Technology aligned knowledge and skills that are transferable to both Tertiary and Vocational pathways. 

Course content

    Semester One (Week 1 -17) 

  •    CAD/CAM (Toy Car): Students will undertake 3D Modelling (Fusion 360) tuition and manufacture the toy car    they design. They will produce the individual parts using all the CNC machinery in the workshop (Laser, CNC router, CNC plasma, 3D printers) Students can also undertake additional DVC related Standards (Product Design) with additional work or make this a year long project.
    • US 2346 and AS91614/AS91620 assessed on student completion.
    • AS91622 and AS91623 available as extension work.
  • Semester Two (Week 18-34) Students choose one of the following:
  • Individual Projects: Students will utilize the knowledge and skill learnt in Semester One and manufacture a project of their choosing. Prior to commencing the feasibility of each project will be checked to ensure it can be made using available resources and machinery. Students may be asked to contribute to material costs, or purchase additional materials for larger projects.
    • Standards to be assessed is negoiated with individual students
  • Architecture (DVC): Students will design a building of their choice and use Archicad 28 to create a set of drawings and final design renders. A large number of Achievement Standards can be accessed. Assessment will be determined by the range, quality and quantity of evidence generated. 


Assessment statement

This is a new and student centric course where the Standards offered below have been reduced (yes reduced) to those that can be achieved by a wide ability range of engaged students with no prior knowledge

Students are able to negotiate a course of between 12 and 28 credits that can be adapted to meet individual interests and talents. 

I will work with students to ensure they are entered for the assessments which are the ‘best fit’ for them. UE Literacy reading/writing credits are also available.

Formative assessment will be conducted regularly where feedback will be given and likely grades communicated to students and whanau prior to final assessment. You may negotiate to do more, fewer or different Achievement Standards. Below are the likely standards that have been frequently undertaken during a year-long course. Other Standards can be negotiated on a case by case basis.

US 2436* Create three dimensional engineering models under supervision* (LEVEL 3) Compulsory5  

AS91623 (3.23) 

Implement complex procedures to create an applied design for a specified product (LEVEL 3)

AS91344  (2,20)  Implement advanced procedures using resistant materials to make a specified product with special features.6  

AS91347  (2.22)

Demonstrate understanding of advanced concepts used to make products

AS 91358 (2.5) Demonstrate understanding of how technological modelling supports risk management (Ext)
US2395 Select, use, and care for, engineering hand tools L24

US20917 Demonstrate basic knowledge of engineering materials L2


AS91362 (2.9) Demonstrate understanding of the nature of technological outcomes4
AS91363 (2.10) Demonstrate understanding of sustainability in design (Ext)4
AS91364 (2.11) Demonstrate understanding of advanced concepts related to human factors in design L24
AS91342 Develop a product design through graphics practice L26
AS91341 Develop a spatial design through graphics practice L26
AS91631 Produce working drawings to communicate production details for a complex design (Ext) L36
AS91338 Produce working drawings to communicate technical details of a design (Ext)L24
AS91620 (3.20) Implement complex procedures to integrate parts using resistant materials to make a specified product. 6
AS91616 (3.9) Demonstrate understanding of how the fitness for purpose of technological outcomes may be broadly interpreted4
AS91622 (3.22) Implement complex procedures to make a specified product using a Computer Numerical Controlled (CNC) machine4



  • Assignments that take place over time will be produced in an online system Google Doctopus which allows the visibility to access document history and activity. A portion of work will need to be completed during class time under Learning Advisor supervision.
  • Students may be required to sign an authenticity statementand/or show through interview and the existence of notes and supporting material that the work submitted by the student is genuinely his/her own work.

Appeal Procedures

  • Students have the right to appeal the mark they have been awarded. If a student wishes to appeal a grade, they should initially talk to the subject learning advisor about the marking process immediately after the marked assessment task is shown to them. If still dissatisfied the student should make an appointment and discuss grades with the Principal’s Nominee who will check that the correct procedures have been followed as outlined in the school and subject policies taking into account any special circumstances.

Table of Assessments (see above)

NumberNameCredit valueInternal or ExternalLiteracy Numeracy UE Reading/WritingWhenReassessment opportunityType of assessment