What a waste!

Learning Area

Welcome to the world of waste!   

For the first part of the course, we will teach and learn together around the topic of waste by researching, reading, writing, watching clips and discussing questions like these:

  • How serious is the waste issue in Aotearoa New Zealand, and globally?
  • Where does our rubbish go?
  • Why do humans make so much waste?
  • What can we do about waste?
  • Who has the power and the responsibility to solve the waste problem? 

The second half of the term is your turn to respond to the issue of waste in some way with a project.  Will you :

  • create a piece of art made from rubbish?
  • create an installation or poster to raise awareness?
  • make an upcycled garment or learn to repair your clothes?
  • write a script for a short play to change people's waste behaviour?
  • find a new use for old rubbish?
  • start a bokashi system at school?
  • make a film?

You will need a device and/or an exercise book and something to write with.