Baby Minglish 2023


Minglish is a combination of Media Studies and English - what that means is that we'll study texts together (think short stories, poems, novels and films) and then do a range of activities around those two learning areas.

Last term we read some short stories, watched a documentary, and had lots of interesting discussions. This term, the focus will be on visual texts - we'll cover some basic film techniques, and examine how filmmakers use those techniques in the creation and design of film and TV shows. Along the way, you might:

  • Turn a section of the novel into a script for a film?
  • Digitally storyboard a sequence from the book?
  • Create a new book cover, using themes from the novel as inspiration?
  • Make a documentary on an idea from the text?

Students will need access to a device, and it'd be preferable for them to set up a account beforehand (you can just use your school email to do this if you like).

If you haven't been in a class with me before, you should know I have some pretty high standards around device use. You simply won't be welcome to scroll through your feed or play games while the lesson is active: you'll be expected to be an active contributor to the class. I promise there'll be interesting content to keep you engaged! And you'll promise not to make me have that boring conversation with your HBLA and parents about inappropriate device use :p

The Google Classroom code for this class is wdpiewf.

Last thing - age warning! This is a level 5 class, so we'd expect you to be around Level 5 on the curriculum (on average, a Y10 student). The plan is to study some films, some of which are age restricted to 13 and over. This won't be negotiable - if you're under 13 by the time we study those, you'll have to find another learning option in this slot.