Samurai Secrets

Learning Area

Explore the world of Bushido, the ancient code of the samurai. This course delves into stories of courageous male and female warriors who followed the precepts of Bushido - the way of the warrior. We will consider how Bushido influenced ancient Japanese society, and reflect on its relevance in today's world. Students need to be 13 years of age or older to join this class as we will be viewing and discussing extracts from R13 films. 

Learning Outcomes:

  • Understand Bushido by reading and discussing texts on samurai traditions.
  • Analyse the stories of male and female warriors, highlighting their courage, honor, and resilience as understood through the lens of Bushido ethics.
  • Write clearly and thoughtfully about the virtues of Bushido and their significance.
  • Reflect on how Bushido's principles relate to your own life and the world today.
  • Present your ideas confidently through speaking and or writing.
  • Explore modern interpretations of Bushido, discovering individuals from various backgrounds who embody its values in diverse contexts.
  • Think critically, appreciating different cultures and their ethical systems.

In-Class Activities:

  • Read texts about Bushido, including stories and historical accounts.
  • Discuss Bushido in small groups and as a class.
  • Write essays and paragraphs exploring the impact of Bushido on samurai warriors.
  • Creative writing activities inspired by the ideals of Bushido.
  • Prepare and present short talks, debates, and comparisons between Bushido and other codes of conduct.
  • Discover the connections between Bushido and your own values through interactive discussions.