Cooking on a Budget!

Learning Area

Cooking on a Budget 

Yellow 5HOS 

Welcome to our exciting cooking class, “Cooking on a Budget”! 

In this course, you will explore the world of cooking and discover how to create delicious and nutritious meals while being mindful of budget constraints. 

Throughout the course, you will learn the art of budget meal planning, smart shopping strategies, and creative ways to stretch your dollars without compromising on taste or nutrition. You will gain practical knowledge of basic cooking techniques, ingredient substitutions, and efficient meal preparation. By the end of the course, you will have the confidence and skills to prepare budget-friendly meals that are both tasty and satisfying.


Learning Objectives:

1. Develop Budgeting Skills: Ākonga will learn how to create meal plans, make cost-effective grocery lists, and make informed decisions while shopping on a budget.

2. Acquire Cooking Techniques: Ākonga will learn fundamental cooking techniques such as chopping, sautéing, baking, and mixing to create a variety of dishes within their budget constraints.

3. Promote Healthy Eating: Ākonga will explore the importance of nutrition and learn how to incorporate affordable and nutritious ingredients into their meals.

4. Foster Creativity and Resourcefulness: Ākonga will develop their creativity by learning to adapt recipes, make ingredient substitutions, and repurpose leftovers to minimise waste and maximise their budget.