Climbing up the walls (purple and yellow blocks combined!)


This course will run through purple and yellow blocks, and so students choosing this course must take both.

Let's develop climbing skills!

We will be climbing twice a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays (purple and yellow are back-to-back to allow 2+ hours to be offsite). One of those climbing sessions will be at the YMCA Adventure Centre. An instructor will teach us belaying and climbing skills in the first session, and then we'll develop into seasoned veteran climbers in subsequent sessions. The other climbing session will be bouldering at Uprising.

On Mondays and Wednesdays, we'll do some exercising (strength, flexibility, balance), yoga, general fitness stuff, and watch rock climbing films! We'll watch a mix of competition climbing and outdoor adventure films from the rock climbing world that is sure to inspire. We'll discuss the moves and styles of climbing depicted in these films to learn some better technique we can use ourselves. This is also an opportunity to rest those fingers and forearms between climbing sessions.

Please note that Uprising requires a ratio of 1 adult to 2 children for students under 13 years, so we will most certainly need parent volunteers to come with us and have fun. Email me at if you are parent who's keen to come along.

There is no cost.