Tatauranga | Statistics

Learning Area

Mathematics & Statistics

Document outlining 2024/2025 Mathematics plan.

Note that levels 4 and 5 are intended to be two year programmes.


This term we will finish both probability concepts and probability distributions.


  • true probability versus model estimates versus experimental estimates
  • randomness
  • independence
  • mutually exclusive events
  • conditional probabilities
  • probability distribution tables and graphs
  • two-way tables
  • probability trees
  • venn diagrams
  • risk and relative risk

In probability distributions we will look at the rectangular, triangular, poisson, binomial and normal distributions.


NCEA year plan:
AS 91581 Raraunga Matarua | Bivariate data 4 credits (internal)
Investigate the relationships of two or more sets of real data to draw conclusions.

91580 Raraunga Houanga | Investigate time series data 4 credits (internal)
Look at patterns over time in a set of data.

AS 91582 Hīkaro | Statistical inference 4 credits (internal)
Learn two methods commonly used for determining the reliability of statistical inferences.

AS 91585 Tūponotanga | Probability Concepts 4 credits (external)
This adds several more tools for calculating more complex probability probabilities than you have so far.

AS 91586 Tuaritanga Raraunga | Probability distributions 4 credits (external)
You learn to use four different models, commonly used in the world, of predicting probability.

AS 91584 Arotake i nga Pūrongo | Evaluate statistical reports 4 credits (external) - Optional.
Get more skilled in assessing the truth of statistics information. (reading and writing UE literacy)