Mātai Pūtaiao Koiora/ Biology

Learning Area

In Term 3 we will be covering the material for the 2 end of year externals:  

Demonstrate understanding of genetic variation and change 91157

Genetic variation describes naturally occurring genetic differences among individuals of the same species. All organisms are slightly or greatly different. This variation permits flexibility and survival of a population in the face of changing environmental circumstances and can also produce variation in the gene pools. This variation is important, especially in New Zealand as the habitat is constantly changing living (biotic) and non living (abiotic factors) change the populations gene pools and pressures.

This standard is about what brings on this variation in populations and how this leads to different frequencies of traits and eventually natural selection. What leads to the variation in a species? Make sure you watch the videos and look at the animations, they will all help.

Demonstrate understanding of gene expression 91159

Gene expression is the process by which information from a gene is used in the synthesis of a functional gene product - usually protein. Gene expression is how proteins are made and all the different mutations and the environment can change them. Gene expression is vitally important for living things, well complex living organisms just would not exist without it. The central dogma is the idea that DNA instructions code for amino acids that make protein.