Tatauranga | Statistics

Learning Area

Mathematics & Statistics

Document outlining 2024/2025 Mathematics plan.

Note that levels 4 and 5 are intended to be two year programmes.


Statistics is a University Entrance course and can lead to careers in Accounting, Biology, Computer Science, Economics, Engineering, Management, Data Science, and Physics.
A lot of the content involves contextualising and analysing data and reports. This can be very useful personally for interpreting media and research yourself for validity.


This term we will finish the time series assessment and do Formal Inference. This involves looking at one measure between two or more groups.

Hopefully we will have time to start looking at probability concepts at the end of the term.


NCEA year plan:
AS 91581 Raraunga Matarua | Bivariate data 4 credits (internal)
Investigate the relationships of two or more sets of real data to draw conclusions.

91580 Raraunga Houanga | Investigate time series data 4 credits (internal)
Look at patterns over time in a set of data.

AS 91582 Hīkaro | Statistical inference 4 credits (internal)
Learn two methods commonly used for determining the reliability of statistical inferences.

AS 91585 Tūponotanga | Probability Concepts 4 credits (external)
This adds several more tools for calculating more complex probability probabilities than you have so far.

AS 91586 Tuaritanga Raraunga | Probability distributions 4 credits (external)
You learn to use four different models, commonly used in the world, of predicting probability.

AS 91584 Arotake i nga Pūrongo | Evaluate statistical reports 4 credits (external) - Optional.
Get more skilled in assessing the truth of statistics information. (reading and writing UE literacy)