Mathematics & Statistics
Document outlining 2024/2025 Mathematics plan.
Note that levels 4 and 5 are intended to be two year programmes.
For the first half of this term we will be looking at the measurement topic. This will include measurement conversions, perimeter, area and volume of shapes.
In the second half of the term we will investigate Pythagoras and trigonometry. The maths of right-angled triangles. It's more fun than it sounds!
Google classroom code is: owukkuu
All students will require a maths exercise book for this class i.e. a 1J5. - I'm not kidding ... you need a book! And a pen ... please bring a pen! or pencil - I'm not fussy! You will find your maths will improve measurably if you write down your notes and worked examples in your book ... with your pen.