Fractions, Decimals, Percentages and the Statistical enquiry cycle

Learning Area

Mathematics & Statistics

Document outlining 2024 Mathematics plan.

Note that levels 4 and 5 are intended to be two year programmes.


Can I please order 1/2 a scoop of chips? 

There is a 20% discount on all items in the store for the next 24 hours.

Your first part time job you are offered $ 16.25 per hour

If you are curious about the above statements and want to learn about fractions, decimals and percentages in real life scenario's then this is the Maths course for you. 

We are also going to introduce ākonga to the principles of statistical investigation and probability. Towards the end of the term you will plan and conduct an investigation using the statistical enquiry cycle ( PPDAC) 

You may want to research the amount of time your classmates sleep? exercise? or spend online? 

I want to encourage you to sign up and bring your Ao Tawhiti Core values with you ;) 

Students need a 1E5 workbook, pencil, ruler and rubber. A clear filofax for maths worksheets would be helpful.