Course aims / learning outcomes
Philosophy is the subject that specializes in exploring fundamental questions about the world and our place in it. For example: What is reality? What does it mean for me to ‘know’ something? What is reasoning? What is a Mind? Does God exist? How should I live, and who should decide?
Philosophical discussion draws on imaginative speculation, scientific evidence, sustained reflection on lived experience, and the different histories, cultural perspectives and texts that shape current thought.
Philosophy at Ao Tawhiti is highly discussion based and aims to develop students’ critical thinking skills. Through a range of applied Philosophical topics, students will learn how to assess arguments for validity and soundness. They will also learn how to refute arguments logically and construct their own rationally convincing arguments.
- Recommended Prior Learning
Philosophy is a demanding subject and requires a high level of commitment. While there are no pre-requisites, we recommend that students have a high level of maturity and a developed world-view. Students who work best in Philosophy have good writing and verbal ability and an interest in questioning their beliefs.
Course content
- Term 1 - Death to Socrates
- Term 2 - God, Science, The Universe
- Term 3 - Democracy, Freedom, Knowledge
- Term 4 - Cyborgs
Assessment statement
- 16 credits via Achievement Standards and Unit Standards at NCEA Level 1 and 2
- Assessment will be based on a combination of quizzes, paragraph answers, and document annotation
- Essays are written over a three week period. Students can work on their essays in study periods and at home. But a significant portion of the essay will be written in class under supervision. Student essays will be produced in Google Docs and shared with Brent so that progress can be monitored.
Appeal Procedures
- Students have the right to appeal the mark they have been awarded. If a student wishes to appeal a grade, they should initially talk to the subject learning advisor about the marking process immediately after the marked assessment task is shown to them. If still dissatisfied the student should make an appointment and discuss grades with the Principal’s Nominee who will check that the correct procedures have been followed as outlined in the school and subject policies taking into account any special circumstances.
Table of Assessments
Number | Name | Credit value | Internal or External | When | Reassessment opportunity | Type of assessment |
AS91926 | Develop ideas in writing using stylistic and written conventions NOTE: This standard comes from the English subject domain | 5 | Internal | Term 1 | Yes | Write a philosophy essay |
US25073 | Read Texts to Recognize Differing Points of View | 3 | Internal | Term 2 | No | Weekly mini-assessment Quiz |
US33140 | Demonstrate knowledge of fake online information | 3 | Internal | Term 3 | No | Weekly mini-assessment Quiz |
US33141 | Evaluate fake online information | 4 | Internal | Term 3 | No | Weekly mini-assessment Quiz |