NCEA Level(s)

Course aims / learning outcomes

Level 8 Biology covers a wide range of biological contexts ranging from human biology and evolution to how the environment impacts plants and animals alike. We also explore how scientific issues can have an impact on society. 

While the content of this course does not directly lead on from level 7 biology, it is helpful to have completed some form of science up to Level 7. There is also a strong emphasis on literacy skills in this course and there are UE literacy reading and/or writing credits available from most standards. 

Please contact Michelle if you have any questions or would like to discuss the course in more detail. 


Course content

Term 1 


In this internal standard we will investigate how humans maintain a stable internal environment, with a focus on thermoregulation or glucose regulation.

Plant and Animal Responses

This external will enable understanding of the mechanisms and adaptive advantages of responses of animals and plants to their external environment. Topic includes intraspecific and interspecific relationships, and orientation and timing responses.

Term 2

Plant and Animal Responses

Complete plant and animal responses

Practical Investigation

In this internal we will carry out a practical biological investigation into the impact of an abiotic factor on a chosen organism

Term 3

Human Evolution

Comparison of living and extinct hominins in terms of changes in the skull and skeleton linked to bipedalism, the use of tools and fire, and the dispersal of modern humans

Socio-scientific Issue

This internal standard will require students to research and write a report on the science, and ethics involved in a chosen biological issue.

Assessment statement

  • A total of up to 19 Achievement Standard credits (9 external exam credits, 10 internal credits) are available for students that complete all the available assessments successfully. 



  • Assignments that take place over time will be produced in an online system such as Google Docs. Learning Advisors will monitor student work by accessing document history. A portion of work will need to be completed during class time under Learning Advisor supervision.
  • Class tests will take place under supervised test conditions within class.
  • Students may be required to sign an authenticity statement, perform certain parts of assessment tasks under close supervision, or show through interview and the existence of notes and supporting material that the work submitted by the student is genuinely his/her own work.


Appeal Procedures

  • Students have the right to appeal the mark they have been awarded. If a student wishes to appeal a grade, they should initially talk to the subject learning advisor about the marking process immediately after the marked assessment task is shown to them. If still dissatisfied the student should make an appointment and discuss grades with the Principal’s Nominee who will check that the correct procedures have been followed as outlined in the school and subject policies taking into account any special circumstances.


Table of Assessments

NumberNameCredit valueInternal or ExternalLiteracy Numeracy UE Reading/WritingWhenReassessment opportunityType of assessment
AS91604Homeostasis3InternalUE readingTerm 1NoReport
AS91603Animal & Plant Responses5ExternalUE reading and writingTerm 1/2NoExam
AS91601Practical Investigation4Internal Term 2NoInvestigation/Report
AS91606Human Evolution4ExternalUE reading and writingTerm 3NoExam
AS91602Socio-scientific issue3InternalUE readingTerm 3NoReport