Mātai matū | 8 Chemistry

NCEA Level(s)

Course aims / learning outcomes

  • This course covers content that works towards NCEA Level 3 Chemistry. We will go more in-depth with the topics introduced in 7CHEM (Such as equilibria, properties and structures of matter, and thermochemistry). We will also be looking at new exciting and challenging topics (Spectroscopy, Organic Chemistry and Redox chemistry).
  • As the majority of the content is carried on from NCEA Level 2 content, it is important that you have earned credits in NCEA Level 2 Chemistry in order to see success in this course. 

Course content

  • See the table below for the standards that we will be working towards. There are three externals, two internals and one optional internal standard available. 

Assessment statement

  • A total of 24 Achievement standard credits are offered within this course, all at NCEA Level 3
  • Most students will likely want to target some, but not all of the credit opportunities - decisions will be made, in conversation with the learning advisor, dependent on student goals, their level of independence and attitude to learning.
  • To earn 14 credits to have Chemistry as one of your three UE subjects, you'll need to pass one external exam and three internals, two externals exams and two internals, or three external exams.
  • Assessment work for internal assessments will be completed in class.
  • A student interested in preparing for the scholarship exam must do all three external assessments to have the breath of knowledge required to pass the scholarship exam. Please discuss with Jess if this is something you are interested in.                                                                


  • Assignments that take place over time will be produced in an online system such as Google Docs. Learning Advisors will monitor student work by accessing document history. A portion of work will need to be completed during class time under Learning Advisor supervision.
  • Class tests will take place under supervised test conditions within class.
  • Students may be required to sign an authenticity statement, perform certain parts of assessment tasks under close supervision, or show through interview and the existence of notes and supporting material that the work submitted by the student is genuinely his/her own work.


Appeal Procedures

  • Students have the right to appeal the mark they have been awarded. If a student wishes to appeal a grade, they should initially talk to the subject learning advisor about the marking process immediately after the marked assessment task is shown to them. If still dissatisfied the student should make an appointment and discuss grades with the Principal’s Nominee who will check that the correct procedures have been followed as outlined in the school and subject policies taking into account any special circumstances.


Table of Assessments

NumberNameCredit valueInternal or ExternalLiteracy Numeracy UE Reading/WritingWhenReassessment opportunityType of assessment
AS91388Spectroscopy3InternalN/ATerm 1NoWritten Report in Class time. 
AS91389Chemical Processes3InternalYes UE Writing and ReadingTerm 1No Research Report 
AS91393Redox Chemistry3Internal N/ATerm 2NoWritten Report in Class time. 
AS91391Organic Chemistry5ExternalN/ATerm 2/3NoExam
AS91390Thermochemistry5ExternalN/ATerm 3NoExam
AS91392Aqueous5ExternalN/ATerm 1-3No

Optional Self-directed 
